Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome Home!

Thanks to everyone who made the AWESOME Coming of Age retreat happen! Thank you to the CoA Leaders for arranging and leading the programming; Laura's family for the loan of their spectacular house; Ann, Lyn, Laura and Dick for driving; all the parents for providing luscious food stuffs; all the mentors who came along for the ride and lent their expertise; and all the youth for being great individuals with so much to share!

But wait, there's more! Here at the end of the program there's a heck of a lot going on. A week from Wednesday, on May 27, parents, mentors and youth will gather to rehearse Sunday's service. Details will be coming shortly about what will be asked of you for that worship service. Saturday, May 30 at 7:00 pm we will gather for dinner to celebrate the youth, their mentors and the conclusion of our program. Sunday morning will be the big enchilada we've all been waiting for as the youth share their faith statements in a worship service of their own design.

We'll be seeing ya!

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